Finished size 3” x 3” x 1½” (7.5cm x 7.5cm x 4cm)
Digital print-at-home PDF Sewing Pattern
Liberty Square Pin Cushion
Patchwork PDF Sewing Pattern
by Tikki London
Price £5.95 (=approx. US$7.50)
Material requirements:
12 x 2” squares of assorted cotton lawn fabrics
1 small piece of fabric for the button
4” square piece of linen for the base
10” square piece for lining (muslin or calico)
Optional: Crushed walnut shells (also know as lizard litter) approx. 3 tbs. or
clean sand or wire wool can also be used.
Polyester toy filling
Magnet – a round button size disc approx. ½”
Polyester sewing thread to match the fabric choice.
Happy Sewing!